When 10th exam then 12th and then a degree has been the only path that everyone is taking around us, it's so difficult to imagine any other possibility. When it's been told that this is the only path to success, happiness and security it feels impossible to know that there are other ways and maybe also other definitions of happiness and success.
One day, a person very openly and kindly questioned me about my decision of not walking the degree path. After talking to me about my journey he gave me a suggestion to take M.A in English. Having himself taken M.A. in Kannada without much preparations or difficulty at a very late age. He believed that I had the capability of simply walking in the exam hall and passing with flying colours because of my knowledge and experience.
It was so honoring to know that someone look at me capable enough to be able to pass a high level exam without much preparation. He went on to tell me that me passing this exam and then also passing an IAS exam would not only be an achievement for me but for the whole alternative education community. It would prove to the world that this path was also of success.

It was so nice to know that he could share his opinion with me so openly and have a conversation about this. This conversation got me thinking and gave me clarity on where I stand.
One day, a person very openly and kindly questioned me about my decision of not walking the degree path. After talking to me about my journey he gave me a suggestion to take M.A in English. Having himself taken M.A. in Kannada without much preparations or difficulty at a very late age. He believed that I had the capability of simply walking in the exam hall and passing with flying colours because of my knowledge and experience.
It was so honoring to know that someone look at me capable enough to be able to pass a high level exam without much preparation. He went on to tell me that me passing this exam and then also passing an IAS exam would not only be an achievement for me but for the whole alternative education community. It would prove to the world that this path was also of success.

It was so nice to know that he could share his opinion with me so openly and have a conversation about this. This conversation got me thinking and gave me clarity on where I stand.
Currently I don't believe that I have to prove to anybody that the path I have chosen is right and nor do I want to convince people to join this path because I have passed an exam or because I have become successful in a big way.
I personally don't believe in the examination or degree system and that's why I don't see it as an avenue to measure my success for myself or for others.
I also don't agree with the definition of success or the measurement of intelligence as per the degree system, so by giving the exam I can't prove to anyone that I am successful. I believe I can be a role model in showing people that there is a way to live happily, successfully and earn money without being a part of the current system but by creating your own path. I believe I can be an avenue of contribution to the world through my skills and strengths.
I also don't agree with the definition of success or the measurement of intelligence as per the degree system, so by giving the exam I can't prove to anyone that I am successful. I believe I can be a role model in showing people that there is a way to live happily, successfully and earn money without being a part of the current system but by creating your own path. I believe I can be an avenue of contribution to the world through my skills and strengths.
I would also like to mention here that I have no problem whatsoever with any individual choosing the path of degree, however at this point of time in life that is not my path. I am also keeping an option open for me that anytime in future if for whatsoever reason I would like to obtain a degree I would do. Also there are other alternative education children who have shown to the world that it is possible to do gain a degree if you are passionate for it. It all about walking your path because you want to, whether with or without degree.