I am looking for my friend who got lost, would you help me find him. My friend’s name is happiness.
I looked inside a school full of children but I did not find my friend, rather I found posters saying 'missing' please help find creativity, imagination and curiosity. The children told me I would find happiness in video games and packaged food but I found violence, distraction and poor quality of health.

I looked inside an office full of people working so hard but I did not find my missing friend. I found people who have no time, I found people who are tired, stressed and unmotivated. The office people told me to look for happiness in vacation packages and movies in the theatre but I found my friend’s twin called short-lived happiness. He has only gratification and superficial happiness.
The billboard on the road told me I will find happiness in buying new clothes, owning the latest watch or riding the latest bike. When I went and bought those things all I saw was ordinary things giving me momentary pleasure and making me greedy for more stuff.
I looked inside a metro train, and I found people with grim faces using their mobile phones, I looked inside their mobile phone and saw faces with smiles but I still did not find my friend.
I looked inside a cafe and I found people with make up faces, latest fashion but low self esteem. I found people with lots of friends or a beautiful girlfriend / handsome boyfriend but low confidence.

You see wherever I looked I couldn't find my friend, I am looking for my friend because I am lost too. I hope whenever I find my friend I will find myself too. My name is Peace.
Note : As an author I am not trying to say that happiness and peace doesn't exist or that people are not content with their lives. This is just a way of putting things in different perspective