I recently got trained as a Flow game Host.

The center of the game lies in a question that the player comes with. A personal question related to their lives. Generally when there is question in ones life, one seeks for an answer and not just an answer but the right answer. It so amazing the game never answers your question and yet you gain so much clarity, direction and understanding in regards to the question. You discover multiple truths and truly witness yourself in the grey , neither white or black. Its so beautiful to use the method of a board game to help one pause, and simply take time to glance inside and reflect, an art that has been forgotten in the race of time. Its the chaos of questions that shows one their reality.
What I realized from the three day training was that how much meaningful, deep and conversation that matter are missing from our society.
As a group of young girls sat around the table playing the game, As I hosted my very first flow game with them, I observed how conversations around emotions, self image, reflections, family, relationships, internal journey and our struggles do not happen. How we yearn to discuss about these things, to be listened to. How these kind of conversations are missing amidst friends and family. We don't have the intuition to ask deep and meaningful questions to ourselves and others. Rather we talk frivolous things like who is dating whom in Bollywood or which lipstick brand is better.
It was also amazing to see that even though we were a room full of people from different walk of lives and different struggles and problems, we connected on a level of similarity, we connected as humans and were able to in just span of three hours move beyond the masks we put up to cover our own reality.
I think the game is a process that will help me shed my masks and face my own reality, I know as I host these game more and play more, I will be able to tap in my deep consciousness and discover myself.
Thank you Asawari for writing this. Really enjoyed reading about your Journey. I resonate very much with your reflection on conversations that are missing, how much young people (older people too) yearn for it. Congratulations on your first game and wishing you continue down this path with every increasing clarity and compassion <3. Lots of love, Sonal